Henry Winkler, at the height of his Happy Days popularity, and Sally Field, who had recently completed her final descent as The Flying Nun, came to Petaluma in 1977 to star in an innocuous little film called Heroes. In an odd twist, their then-unknown co-star Harrison Ford went on to become a star of at least equal stature to Field. Ford had finished his role as Bob Falfa in American Graffiti only a few years before, and was about to explode into the public's consciousness with the release of Star Wars, another film of 1977.
Heroes is the story of Winkler, a slightly unbalanced war veteran, who leaves New York on a cross country trip to Eureka, California. He plans to start a worm farm in Eureka. On the bus ride west he meets Field, who joins Winkler in a visit to Sedalia, Missouri, to meet Ford, one of the partners in the farm. The Sedalia bus depot is in reality the old bus depot in Petaluma at the corner of Fourth and C Streets. The photo above shows the actors outside the depot, and the photo to the right shows Ford pulling up to the bus station in front of the Fourth & C Restaurant at...where else? Fourth and C. At
the time of the filming it was a Foster's Freeze Restaurant. The brick building in the background is a medical office, directly across the street from the Post Office.
The photo to the left shows Field and Winkler on the bench in front of the bus station, preparing to take a donut break. The building at the time was a well-worn mint green color, and has been beautifully rehabilitated as can be seen in the photo below.
As the story progresses, Winkler and Field visit the family of a deceased friend at a Petaluma house located at 515 Walnut Street. Winkler goes berserk in a case of post-traumatic stress, stumbles down the front steps and onto Kentucky Street in downtown Petaluma. In the photo below Winkler can be seen running across Kentucky Street near Copperfield's Books. Thinking he is back in Vietnam, Winkler experiences a series of explosive warfare scenes on Western Avenue on the same block which has provided the backdrop for five films. There is also a short scene at the D Street Bridge, which crosses over the Petaluma River.
And there you have it. Heroes has all the makings of a 1970s made for TV movie, complete with the very dated wardrobe and soundtrack. Roger Ebert didn't review this film. But what this film missed in critical acclaim it made up for in future star value.
Heroes is rated PG and is 113 minutes in length. In Petaluma it's available at Hollywood Video, and on DVD at Netflix.